Monday, July 8, 2013

how graced I am

35 years ago today, I was in a fairly terrible accident (but of a rare sort, so it has some cool street cred to it, though I don't often talk about it). This is not a particularly emotional day (certainly not like That Damnable Day is) for me, I think mostly because of the distance of tim.And I was only 12 so was young enough to not really understand just how close to death or permanent harm I may or not have come (and still to this day really don't know) but it is a day on which I consider mortality and my place in the world and give thanks that I have been around to see and do some pretty amazing things and places and meet people of astounding variety and grace and intellect and love, especially my honey pooYuki Yamamoto, and contemplate whether I have lived worthy enough to pay back the psychic cost to the universe of keeping me alive and the time and effort of dedicated doctors who gave me mobility. And a day to give thanks especially for Linda L Huberwho spent heroic hours in the hospital, forced to listen to far too much KISS music, and watching TV (seems like we caught Liar's Club most days, and a lot of Three Stooges) and talking and making my days and life much more fun, as she has continued to do. It's been a pretty freaking extraordinary life.

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