Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Human trafficking in Thailand - a personal story

On Sunday, March 8, Plymouth church had two guest speakers, Madison Lovelien and Gretchen Bye. They were in Thailand in January of this year on a mission trip to work with women and children who are victims (or were victims) of human trafficking (slavery), specifically caught up in sex trafficking.

Madison and Gretchen shared some of their story with the congregation about how the trip changed them.

We do not have a text for this, just the audio. The audio begins with a reading of the ten commandments and the story of Jesus overthrowing the money changers in the temple from the second chapter of John's gospel. Fitting scriptures for testimony about the evils of slavery. Their stories can be difficult to listen to, but they also end with much hope for the future.


I have known Madison for many years. Her family owns the Living Room Coffee House (on Cameron, and at the Luther Hospital, and a few other places) in Eau Claire, which is where I first met her. She is in her first year of college, studying online. Gretchen is a junior at UW-EC studying a form of psychology (sadly I just can't remember).

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