Sunday, December 10, 2023

2023 Star Wars Advent Calendar - Day 10

Day 10 of the Calendar and it's another transport. Probably the ugliest/silliest in the line of Star Wars designs (a line of designs that has very, very few duds, mind you), I've had a quite negative reaction to this thing since I first saw it. I don't know why, but I find it to be a ridiculous design, even in a fantasy world that often doesn't care so much whether a certain design would actually work so long as it looks cool.

But, that's not very important - what's important is that this LEGO build is a very good representation of the thing.

I give you (or more precisely, LEGO gives you) the IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank.

I also give you a little behind-the-scenes look at how well LEGO does with the directions for building these things. The entire set of instructions has to be done in one small square which is the door to the Advent Calendar window of the build. So the designers/engineers have ONE picture to get across complicated builds. It's very impressive how well they do it.

Good work, LEGO! Even though it represents something I'm not keen on, it's a wonderful build and continues to make the 2023 Star Wars Advent Calendar to be one of their best in terms of good builds, many parts, interesting things, and not feeling like they're being lazy or cheap. 

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