Saturday, December 9, 2023

2023 Star Wars Advent Calendar - Day 9

 Hmmm... maybe I was too harsh yesterday about yet another Battle Droid because today's build is actually something for the Battle Droid to use - a STAP Speeder (STAP stands for Single Troop Aerial Platform). 

This is the thing that Battle Droids can use as transport. Cool.

And a pretty good representation of it, considering how few pieces had to be used to make it.

And here is the Battle Droid riding it.

And here's the Battle Droid after being shot by the clone trooper.

The ninth day of the Advent Calendar is always a special one for me, so I always hope to have something special in the Calendar - and since this build, even though I'm not super excited about other than that I don't own any other versions, redeems the disappointment with the battle droid yesterday, then I'd say it was a special day, indeed.

Thank you, LEGO!

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