Monday, December 18, 2023

2023 Star Wars Advent Calendar - Day 18

We're still on the Forest Moon of Endor, where live the creatures from which tasty Ewok Jerky can be made. 

We've had an Ewok treehouse, Princess Leia minifig in camo, the entrance to the shield generator, an AT-ST, and now today, the Speeder Bike! (the version that appeared in Return of the Jedi; so I'm glad that we haven't moved to a different move yet. And maybe we won't. Maybe the next 7 days will also be ROTJ stuff!). 

Wonderful! This looks pretty good, and I can see Leia jumping on one of them and speeding away, zipping through the Redwood National Park in California trees of Endor.

Not bad. Not bad at all. Thanks, LEGO! That's 18 great builds in a row!

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