Friday, December 8, 2023

2023 Star Wars Advent Calendar - Day 8

 We made it to Day 8 before LEGO disappointed. It's a minifig today, and that's cool, but it's yet ANOTHER Battle Droid. It just seems like LEGO got a really good deal on cranking out 20 brazillion of these things 25 years ago, so they're including them in everything they can. I think I now have 100 of them from various sets, including from previous Advent Calendars. Or do I have eleventy jillion? Hard to remember.

So, not a total disappointment - it's a minifigure, even if it's overused and exactly like every other one. So, well, another one to add to the mass battle scene I might be able to create some day with a few zamtilion of these things.

On the plus side, Day 6 and Day 7 gave us a Clone Trooper and a Command Center, so I can imagine the Clone Trooper blowing the Battle Droid to oblivion, Roger Roger, registering our collected disappointment at LEGO tossing in these cheap ... well, basically clones, in set after set... 

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