Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Day 11 - 2019 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar

Another mystery, though this one not so much born out of my own ignorance.

It looks like a blaster cannon on Hoth, though the colors aren't quite what the Rebellion had on Hoth. It could be a blaster cannon from the first Death Star, but it's not quite that, either. Perhaps something from Starkiller Base?

That's the best guess I've found for this one.

A blaster cannon from Starkiller Base.

Even though I'm not sure, and the Internet doesn't seem really sure, either, it's a cool build. I'm not always happy with the structure builds because sometimes they're just not that interesting compared to minifigure or a ship (that's just my own opinion), but I'm really liking this one.

Which makes me wish even more that I knew what it was. My money is a blaster from the first Death Star, but it seems odd that the Advent calendar would all of a sudden go back to the first movie made. But, there's no reason that it couldn't.



I said yesterday that photographing the models on the display board that the LEGO box offers is messing up the gray color and turning it tan/orange: here's an example. Yes, that really is the same model shown above.

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