Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Day 17 - 2019 LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendar


It might not be the Tantive IV, but it comes FROM the Tantive IV - the escape pod as seen in the very beginning of Episode IV. The one that escapes because for some reason one of the officers on the Star Destroyer says not to blast it because there were no life forms aboard. I like how this scene was done in Family Guy's version when one of the underlings says "Oh, are we paying by the laser bolt, now?" and the officer responds, "You don't do the budget, Todd. *I* do!" Ha!! Cracks me up every time because it was a lazy bit of writing to suggest that the Star Destroyer, that had been blasting endlessly for however long, would save a blast on an escape pod just because they didn't detect any life signs.

And why, with the technology they had, was R2D2 the only one with a copy of the death star plans? Whoever was in charge shuold have been fired or reduced six steps in rank for not taking an electronic file - which the plans were - and making copies in every Alliance droid and ship and put it on a flash drive and give a copy to every troop so that someone, somehow, from somewhere, would be able to get it to Yavin. Or beam the data somewhere. I mean, the people in Star Wars are able to communicate via holograph, so clearly they have data transmission. Email the thing.

Anyway, here's the escape pod. Pretty sweet. Another great day in the Advent Calendar!

Seriously - Leia had an entire trip in which to make copies of the data. Or to email it somewhere. or give it to R2 right away and tell him to share it with every droid on the ship.

I bet Leia was the type of person that uses "password" for their password, and forgets every now and again and has to call IT because she can't "get into her hard drive thing on her desk because I forgot my password". 

Did you try, "password"? Dork.

Back up your data!! The whole Episode IV-VI series of stories could have bene totally avoided if she just backed up her data. The Star Wars saga is really a nine-hour meditation on the importance of backups. A fable for the modern, computer-driven, age. 

Back. Up. Your. Data.

And use secure passwords, folks. It's 2019. You should have learned this 20 years ago already.

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